Online board meetings are virtual meetings that utilize a reliable video conference software. The meetings are held from home or other locations with internet connectivity. Meetings like these offer many benefits including improved nonprofit governance, more efficient meetings times and a greater variety of participants.

The first thing to bear in mind when conducting an online board meetings is to check with the mission-driven organisation or company that you are a part of as well as local laws and regulations regarding these types of meetings. In general, they are not permitted by the internal policies of certain mission-driven companies and organizations, and may also be illegal in certain states or regions.

Before the virtual meeting, attendees should ensure that their equipment (computer, headsets, microphones) is functioning properly. The organizer of the meeting should create an agenda and invite everyone to take part. Attach a copy of the invitation to the calendar so that everyone can view it and add notes, feedback or other comments before the scheduled time. This will make it easier to organize the meeting and increase engagement.

Board members should adhere to the rules of online meetings during the meeting by turning on their cameras and only speaking if they are asked to speak. The chair of the meeting should invite volunteers to lead the discussion, and also identify a notetaker. The chair of the board should use quick check-ins in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page and is on the same page.

It’s crucial to follow up on any deadlines or action items that have been given in person or are listed on the board platform. This will help increase accountability and allow board members to reach out to any members who aren’t in compliance on their obligations.

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