Board meetings are important because the decisions taken by your board – which usually require the majority of or even all members to come to a consensus and can greatly impact your business. There are many constraints, but they are not as difficult as you imagine.

A successful board meeting will require a lot of preparation and thought before the meeting. If your board members don’t feel well-prepared, they may find it difficult to have meaningful discussions during the meeting. This can result in your decision-making process getting bogged down or even derail. Distribute your board packets at minimum a few days before the meeting to avoid this.

At the start of the meeting the chair of your board should go over any ground rules with participants (e.g. how long discussions can last, how to make decisions). This helps everyone be aware of the rules and creates a positive and productive atmosphere.

The following part of the meeting typically includes reports being presented. This can include financial statements, progress reports, or any other relevant information. The chair of the board will call each member in to ensure there is a quorum.

During this stage, the board may also discuss and review the minutes of the board’s previous meeting. Once they are complete, they can be approved by the entire board. Any announcements or updates that are relevant to the present meeting can be also shared. The meeting may then be officially ended or adjourned at the discretion of the president.

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