Data protection is a matter of trust. It is the term used to describe processes that ensure that personal data is collected legally, safely stored and not shared or used in violation of a person’s rights. It encompasses everything from making sure that data collection tools conform to industry standards, to training data collectors, and setting clear guidelines for data management.

It’s important to distinguish between data reliability and validity, since they have distinct implications for the business. While data reliability focuses on consistency (such as whether the exact result could be achieved in the event of a repeat measurement) while data validity is more concerned about the accuracy of the data (like whether it accurately reflects what it is supposed to measure).

Unreliable data could have negative consequences. If a company relies upon insufficient data to make decisions, it could end up wasting money, or investing in non-profitable initiatives. It could also cause a loss of trust among customers, employees, and partners, and reduce accountability. In some cases the use of inaccurate data may have legal or regulatory consequences.

There are many ways to increase the reliability of data. Implementing standard practices, educating the data collectors and supplying reliable tools are among the most effective methods. It’s also vital to create clear data retention policies and establish feedback loops for data users to report errors. It is also essential to safeguard the integrity of data by ensuring that all systems are stored and backed up, and that the recovery and backup processes function in the way they were intended to.

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