
designed for smaller groups of people (usually between 8 and 20 people) Board rooms are typically equipped with large screens or projectors, as well as the ability to teleconference. They also usually feature a central table that can be used for face-toface discussions. They are typically separated from the rest of the office is in place, to ensure privacy and minimizing distractions.

Meetings of the board of directors are traditionally held in a boardroom. This is a group that is chosen by shareholders to run the company. It is responsible for important issues such as financial planning and strategic planning, policy formulation and major investments.

Boardroom meetings are typically formal, with the board of directors, as well as external advisors or the key managers. The primary goal is to come to a consensus on important decisions and promote a strong and dynamic board culture.

Boardrooms are becoming more flexible and streamline due to the development of digital technologies. A digital boardroom functions as a meeting, communication and document storage facility, simplifying the board management process and making meetings more effective. It also eliminates paper documents that are susceptible to being lost or mishandled, as well as the frustration of enduring hours or even days for an updated version.

A well-designed boardroom will be spacious and comfortable for all participants especially during long sessions lasting for eight hours or more. The size and seating arrangement are key, and selecting a space with a sofa is ideal for keeping energy levels up during the session.

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